Since You’ve Been Gone…. Part 1..

Well in my posting absence quiet a bit has happened… Here is the first of a few posts just to kinda give you a quick run down of everything from the past 6 months..

March was the Spring race at Bristol! I embarked on an amazing weekend with Chris and Brianne. We had pit passes to both the Nationwide and Cup races and it was going to be a weekend of EPIC proportions! Being a long time NASCAR fan being in the pits is something every fan dreams of.. To some it up in picture form here we go!

To get into the pits you go through a tunnel that goes under the track…

Once you come out of the tunnel it’s just crazy..

Bristol Motor Speedway is built like a football stadium.. It’s a track completely surrounded by seats.. The weekend was awesome though I got to see so many amazing drivers..

We saw the King, which was my only OMG moment really of the weekend.. It was great seeing all the drivers, but seeing Mr. Petty was really an surreal moment.

Kasey Kahne was hanging with his Sprint driver Brad Sweet before the race..

Ryan and Krissie Newman, during pre-race were so cute…

It did rain some but not enough for them to ever red flag the race… Lots of caution laps though..

Sucked that the 9 car had to have some work done in the middle of the race, very cool that we got to watch them do the work. Bristol doesn’t have garages so they work on the cars right in the middle of the infield.. It was rather interesting to watch them buzzing around to work on it.

It was such a fun weekend.. Bri ninja’d this pic of Chris and I walking back to the car.. Can’t wait for August Night Races! :D

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 4th, 2010 at 12:47 pm and is filed under Racing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Since You’ve Been Gone…. Part 1..”

Brianne July 5th, 2010 at 1:57 pm

What an amazing EPIC and memorable weekend. So glad I got to share it with my bestest! Definitely one of my my all-time fave weekends ever. Here’s to hoping the August race will trump it. :)

YAY for the return of the DrifterMama blog. <3

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