I’m thinking about going back to college. I’ve realized that I’m 27 years old and I have no real career path. I have been enrolled and attended college two different times. Once I was fresh off my summer vacation after I graduated high school and was eager to start college. I majored in Computer Networking at the local community college I had my life planned. Once I gradated college with honors and had my Network Admin job I would be set. Well back then (2000) I made a few mistakes like anyone else who is young. In all my classes were my then boyfriend and his twin brother, they were a couple years older than me and this was their second go at college. I’m not saying that it’s bad to have your significant other in class with you but all the classes was a little much. I had to push myself to do my homework because they didn’t do theirs and when I did mine it was usually homework x 3. I was also working a part time job (which my then boyfriend and his brother also worked at) and living at home with my parents. Not a bad deal if I had to do just my homework, it ended up getting to me and by semester three not only was I burnt out but I was ready for a much needed break.
I decided to quit my part time job and take a couple semesters off to work full time at a local call center to save up some money. In the meantime my then boyfriend and his brother also came to work at this call center, needless to say our relationship ended. I really enjoyed working at the call center, it was internet tech support which what little college I did have helped me with. I lived on the computer (like I do now) and my networking back ground really helped me have a leg up on most of the people who worked there. This is where my story I don’t want to say gets bad but I guess it’s one of those things that happens. I wouldn’t change it for the world but I want other people to learn from my mistakes. During my time at the call center I started dating another guy and I ended up pregnant. It’s much harder to go back to school when you have a child to worry about. Like I said it’s not a bad thing by any means I love my daughter more than life itself, but when you have a certain way planned for your life to be it definitely makes a big change.Read more…
So yesterday was my 27th Birthday! I was very excited since Chris had some stuff planned! Monday Chris tells me he’s going to go pick up my presents so he doesn’t have to on the day of my actual birthday. So I stay home while he goes shopping (a first mind you), which I’m glad of so I can finish up my book (that’s another blog). So I clean up the kitchen and continue to read my book when I receive a text message that read “go into the bedroom and turn some music up fairly loud, let me know when you are in there.” So I do so and continue to read my book when I see the door open and in runs this little guy!
While at Petsmart on Sunday I saw him and fell in love. Little did I know that Chris had plans to get him for me and I was utterly shocked since I’d been told numerous times I could not have a cat. He’s a very hyper lil guy we decided to name him Doc, mostly because my daughter loves the movie Cars. He’s been into everything but he’s a baby hopefully he calms down just a hair once he gets more used to the apartment. Chris also gifted me with a new digital camera. Read more…
I started all my websites (besides ProjectGirlDrifter) with the intent to make money online. Sadly I’m not doing that as of yet but I’ve not given up at all. I read numerous blogs about how to make money online on a daily basis. My sites are in the internet world considered new. I probably won’t be able to make a decent living from them for at least another year or so. In the meantime I am still trying out new companies for the ads on my sites. I recently joined MarketLeverage after reading posts on ZacJohnson and JohnChow‘s sites. Both were offering a contest having to do with the company so I figured I’d check it out. I’d heard about MarketLeverage before on a couple other blogs and figured that I’d go ahead and give it a try, what could I lose right.
I signed up on MarketLeverage last week and this is the first time I’ve had time to go look at their site. They have a large selection of ads for use on your sites, pretty much something for everyone. It’s going to take some time to see which ones to put on my sites since there is so many to choose from. I’m going to work on putting these new ads up on my sites within the next few days. My FemaleRacingNews site’s new layout is almost completed so along with a new look it will almost have a few new ads. What better way to give a site a makeover right?
If you’ve never visited Zac or John‘s sites make sure to stop by and check them out. They both always have great posts on how you can make money online or die trying..
As some of you may or may not know I lifecast on Justin.tv from time to time. In the passed month or so I haven’t been able to broadcast as much due to all the recent bugs with the site and it not being stable enough for me to broadcast more than five to ten mintues at a time. I emailed a member of the JTV staff yesterday and was told today that they fixed one bug with Flash Media Encoder (the software I use to broadcast) yesterday and that the other should be fixed by Friday. So I should be back to normal broadcasting soon. I hope to have the camera mounted to where I can leave it on for the most part of the day, mainly turning it off at night when I’m sleeping.
I’ve been lifecasting on Justin.TV since November of last year and have made many friends while doing so. I have had the pleasure of being featured on a few of the bigger JTV shows as well. I had a Virtual Kiss with RNO and was also on the Magic Rich Show a few times playing games and one time just to say Hello! Justin TV is a great community of people. Those of us who have been around a while are pretty close knit and kind of treaten those who endanger the integrity of the site. Although I did register and broadcast on Ustream for about 10 minutes one night out of spite, I would never leave my lifecasting roots of JTV..
You can check out my JTV channel at justin.tv/drifter_mama or simply click the play button at the bottom to see the feed without chat below.
Welcome to DrifterMama.com ramblings of a Car Enthusiast, Mother, and Fiance. Follow me through my journeys with life, drifting, and everything in between.