
I’m thinking about going back to college.  I’ve realized that I’m 27 years old and I have no real career path. I have been enrolled and attended college two different times. Once I was fresh off my summer vacation after I graduated high school and was eager to start college. I majored in Computer Networking at the local community college I had my life planned.  Once I gradated college with honors and had my Network Admin job I would be set. Well back then (2000) I made a few mistakes like anyone else who is young. In all my classes were my then boyfriend and his twin brother, they were a couple years older than me and this was their second go at college. I’m not saying that it’s bad to have your significant other in class with you but all the classes was a little much. I had to push myself to do my homework because they didn’t do theirs and when I did mine it was usually homework x 3. I was also working a part time job (which my then boyfriend and his brother also worked at) and living at home with my parents. Not a bad deal if I had to do just my homework, it ended up getting to me and by semester three not only was I burnt out but I was ready for a much needed break.

I decided to quit my part time job and take a couple semesters off to work full time at a local call center to save up some money. In the meantime my then boyfriend and his brother also came to work at this call center, needless to say our relationship ended. I really enjoyed working at the call center, it was internet tech support which what little college I did have helped me with. I lived on the computer (like I do now) and my networking back ground really helped me have a leg up on most of the people who worked there. This is where my story I don’t want to say gets bad but I guess it’s one of those things that happens. I wouldn’t change it for the world but I want other people to learn from my mistakes. During my time at the call center I started dating another guy and I ended up pregnant. It’s much harder to go back to school when you have a child to worry about. Like I said it’s not a bad thing by any means I love my daughter more than life itself, but when you have a certain way planned for your life to be it definitely makes a big change.

Present day, I’m 27 years old, I work from home as a freelance web designer. I’m not that great at my job though I’m getting better and Chris usually helps me with the more difficult things that I’ve yet to master. Chris pays all our bills and everything else for that matter. I hate this! I’m a very HUGE advocate of everything being equal in a relationship and right now ours is more than a little lopsided. So I’ve taken the steps to possibly going back to college. There’s two options here locally for me to take, one is a technical college and one is a branch of a major university. The technical college of course is more affordable and has two different degrees that I’m interested in. Thought they are both associates it’s more than I have now. One is computer science with emphasis in Web Development which is what I’m doing now it will just enforce what I already know and introduce me to some new things. The other is Marketing, now the major university also offers this as a major but the thoughts of taking Biology and Chemistry ack!!! It honestly makes me sick! I sucked at those in High School I can only image college level versions of them! So I’m stuck deciding right now, I may go talk to someone at both colleges sometime this week to check out my options. I also may be waiting until the spring semester since I’m not a legal resident of this state until I’ve lived here a year and that’s not till the end of October.

What do you guys think? Web Development? Marketing? Both? or Can the whole idea and just focus on doing online tutorials to make myself a better designer? Feedback?

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This entry was posted on Monday, July 7th, 2008 at 2:45 pm and is filed under Everyday Stuff. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “College…”

Sande July 31st, 2008 at 8:15 am

I would say go for the first one that you have a gut feeling about and then get the second if you still want to. I was going for two degrees at first and it only takes another semester to get the second one but I have decided at this point to stick with the first one.

Keep in mind I’m 34 and went back to school for the 3rd time!

Good luck!!

Annissa October 29th, 2008 at 2:52 am

Well written article.

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